Saturday 16 September 2017

Increasing Rate of Maternal Deaths in Uganda

At all times giving birth is known to bring great joy, however getting pregnant and expecting to give birth while in Uganda has gradually become a death sentence. Maternal deaths in Uganda has stopped making news. Almost everyday social media is flooded with lamentations of how a woman lost a battle while giving another human life. Giving birth is not a disease and women should not die while giving birth.

I inclined  to believe that there is a "curse of personal gynaecologist in Uganda," because of the new trend of women seeking for "personal gynaecologist". The fact that there are few health workers as compared to the general population, very few women can access medical attention.  In most cases women fear for their lives and resort to what seems the best option. Unfortunately many have lost their lives because this "personal gynacologist" is probably attending to another patient in a different hospital.

With the shortage of medical personnel especially doctors who are expected to work 24/7, health circumstances are getting worse every day in Uganda.
It is also very unfortunate that the law markers are busy discussing less important issues like removing presidential age limit.
Recommendations to Uganda government
1. Priotise maternal health by providing medicine and ambulances.
2.Invest more in education of health workers. Offer more scholarships for medical courses.
3. Motivate health workers by increasing their salaries.
4. Build homes for health workers especially midwives near hospital.


Monday 4 September 2017

Who is killing women in Entebbe?

"Another woman raped, murdered," has been become the official headline for most media stations in Uganda. Many social media channels have also been awash with bad news of murders of young women in Wakiso district, mainly Entebbe.  

In only three months, 19 women have killed in Entebbe and the last victim's body was found in Nansana. Today the number has reached 20 but unfortunately little has been done about to stop the vice from escalating. 
This is a violation of not only women's rights but also human rights. Why is the public blaming only female legislators for not doing something? This is everyone's problem and the public needs to task government to give it protection.

According to a story published in the Daily Monitor, five days ago the crime forced Inspector General of Police Kale Kayihura and Security Minister Henry Tumukunde, to camp in the area but this did not stop the vice.
Considering the fact the State House is located in Entebbe and it is supposedly known to be the most secure area, who is this person who doesn't fear security and goes a head to kill  people?

According to a Daily Monitor story, "The latest information from the police, according to the Force’s spokesperson, Mr Asan Kasingye, is that 12 of the victims have been classified as cases of sexual assault, four cases of domestic violence, one was killed by two brothers in what the police have classified as a revenge killing, and the rest seemed to be ritual murders."

The questions remain, who is killing young women, why are they targeting women? is it because they are the weaker sex? and why are they sexually assaulted before being killed? is it a way of creating fear? why are the murders concentrated in one area, an area known for its tight security? what can be done to stop the vice? when will the police catch the serial murderer?

#women #violenceagainstwomen #entebbemurders #ritualmurders #ugandapolice