Tuesday 22 January 2013

Feet care will give you relief and comfort

OUR feet are the most hardworking body part and most overlooked. The legs bear a heavy burden. But what do the feet get for their toil? A foot bath, monthly pedicure, or massage?

Many people give foot maintenance little thought. The feet are akin to plumbing, you never think about them until they complain.

Our feet have many points associated with different organs of our body; there are about 70,000 nerve endings on the foot. Therefore, foot massage is useful not only for legs but also for general well-being. It improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin, and reduces fatigue.

Unfortunately, massage is cautioned against in the case of varicose veins, skin disorders and foot edema. To boost the beneficial effects of massage even more, we can rub a nourishing cream into the skin so that it will become gentle and soft.

The foot is a reflexology zone associated with all of the internal organs. Foot Massage can enhance the protective functions of the body. The effects appear after the first massage session. The fact that foot massage is very sensual is not an invention of cult film directors, but actually true.

Five magical minutes of proper foot handling, and your partner will obtain a state of complete relaxation, with a sudden awareness of the meaning of life. As it says in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical treatise: "If a couple before going to bed will massage each other’s feet, it will not only bring health but also a mutual attraction."

According to Dr. Samuel Bandobera, a pharmacist at Modem Pharmacy in Ntinda, seven out of 10 people experience foot problems.

However, we think the pain and discomfort is normal. Foot pain, infections, bunions and corns often mask severe problems like diabetes, arthritis, gout, anaemia, or even heart problems.

Corns and callouses are caused by excessive pressure on the feet and inappropriate foot wear. This is common with women who wear high heels.
They place additional pressure on the toes and can cause problems with the feet and back.

A study by Harvard University suggests that high heels may cause knee problems. If you must wear high heels, take along a pair of flat shoes so that while at your desk, you can always slip the high heels off.

Also be sure to buy shoes that give your toes room.Snug, tight-fitting shoes cause corns.

Buy shoes that breathe- like those made of canvas and leather. Plastic and vinyl cause feet to sweat, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Rebecca Namatovu, a beautician, advises that everyone needs to own a pair of flat shoes with thick-cushioned soles that support the arch and have rounded tips.

Replace worn out shoes as soon as possible and try not to wear the same shoes daily.

Some remedies for your feet

Soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with lemon juice, a few neem leaves and mineral salt for about 10 minutes. Neem has antiseptic qualities.

You can place pebbles and roll your feet back and forth giving slight pressure as it gives a massaging effect.
Scrub using a pumice stone to remove the dead skin. Wash your feet, then pat them dry and massage with a moisturising cream or foot cream.

Wash your feet well and apply vaseline at night and slip on a pair of cotton socks. In a few weeks, your feet will become soft.

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