Monday 14 April 2014

Ways to stop Sexual Gender Based Violence

1. The Governments need to undertake or support intensive sensitization of communities about the dangers of Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

2. Address the political and economic environment that perpetuate  SGBV, including armed groups in the region, in conformity with the International Conference on Great Lakes Region ( ICGLR Protocol )on Non-Aggression and Mutual Defense.

3. Domesticate and fully implement the protocol on Prevention and Suppression of Sexual Violence Against Women and Children as well as the protocol on judicial cooperation in order to combat SGBV and cooperate in matters of extradition, judicial investigation and prosecution of perpetrators.

4. Craete a safe haven and commit funds for survivors of SGBV to enable holistic healing and rehabilitation.

5. Work with cultural institutions and leadership to eliminate cultural practices that influence SGBV.

6.Enact laws and policies that address comprehensively all aspects of GBV including SGBV.

7. Create special courts of law to expedite SGBV- related case and create an environment for survivors to access justice including holding sessions in camera.

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